Saturday, July 3, 2010

To Parvati's Lover

Oh Shiva!
Whose presence is so longed,
Whose touch is as warm as the sun rays
after days of rain.

Looking into your eyes makes my soul soar
and wander through wonderful places.

I raise my prayers for you and your wandering feet,
waiting for the day when I can massage them again;
when I can lie down with you in a lotus bed,
smelling the fragance of your holy scents.

Receive my bows full of juicy kisses,
take the gems from this ardient belly
and merge in the phantasy with my naked embrace.

May the paths shine with joy for you
May the picked fruits be as juicy as our kisses
May the air that you smell and travel through
be as pure as the spirit you are.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

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